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benteng petrus dan paulus bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "benteng petrus dan paulus"
  • The location of the mosque was symbolic, sited opposite the Peter and Paul Fortress, in the city centre.
    Letak masjid tersebut simbolik, berseberangan dengan Benteng Petrus dan Paulus, di pusat kota tersebut.
  • When he wrote the novel, the author was himself imprisoned in the Peter and Paul fortress of St. Petersburg, and he was to spend years in Siberia.
    Saat ia menulis novel tersebut, penulis sendiri ditahan di benteng Petrus dan Paulus, St. Petersburg, dan ia menjalani bertahun-tahun di Siberia.
  • While briefly imprisoned in Peter and Paul Fortress during the abortive 1905 Russian Revolution, Gorky wrote the play Children of the Sun, nominally set during an 1862 cholera epidemic, but universally understood to relate to present-day events.
    Ketika ia dipenjarakan di Benteng Petrus dan Paulus selama Revolusi Rusia 1905 yang gagal, Gorky menulis drama Anak-anak Matahari, yang ceritanya berlangsung ketika terjadi wabah kolera tahun 1862, tetapi secara universal dipahami berkaitan dengan kejadian-kejadian masa kini.
  • See templates for discussion to help reach a consensus. › The Peter and Paul Fortress is the original citadel of St. Petersburg, Russia, founded by Peter the Great in 1703 and built to Domenico Trezzini's designs from 1706 to 1740 as a star fortress.
    Benteng Petrus dan Paulus adalah benteng kota asli St. Petersburg, Rusia, yang didirikan oleh Pyotr I dari Rusia pada tahun 1703 dan dibangun sesuai desain Domenico Trezzini dari tahun 1706 hingga 1740.
  • On 26 June, Alexei died in the Peter and Paul fortress in Saint Petersburg, two days after the senate had condemned him to death for conspiring rebellion against his father, and for hoping for the cooperation of the common people and the armed intervention of his brother-in-law, the emperor.
    Pada tanggal 26 Juni, Alexei meninggal di benteng Petrus dan Paulus di Sankt-Petersburg, dua hari setelah senat telah menghukumnya sampai mati karena memberontak melawan ayahandanya, dan karena mengharapkan kerjasama rakyat jelata dan intervensi bersenjata dari saudara iparnya, sang kaisar. ^ Farquhar, Michael (2001).